Boat, Motor, and Pontoon Rentals on Moose Lake
Downpayment due at time of Booking

Deluxe Fishing Boat
Crestliner 1800 Kodiak Tiller
50 HP Mercury Motor
Terrrova 80 Trolling Motor
Hummingbird Depth Finder
LiveWell/On-Board Charger/4 Seats
$240/Daily $775/Weekly + tax
Gas Not Included
(Our insurance policy does not allow
tubing or pulling water toys)

Deluxe Fishing Boat Crestliner Canadian 18 Tiller
50 hp Mercury Motor/Electric Start
Electric Trolling Motor
Power Anchor and Fish Finder
Pedestal Seats/Live-Well, and Navigation Lights
$210/Daily $685/Weekly + tax
Gas Not Included
(Our insurance policy does not allow
tubing or pulling water toys)

24′ Pontoon
60 HP Mercury Motor
Live Well, Navigating Lights
Power Anchor, Radio, and Cover Canopy
Fish Finder included
$210/Daily $900/weekly + tax
Gas Not Included
(Our insurance policy does not allow
tubing or pulling water toys)

24′ Cast-a-way Pontoon
90 HP Honda Tramm motor,
Live well, Navigating Lights
Power Anchor, Radio, and Cover Canopy
Fish Finder included
$210/Daily $900/weekly + tax
Gas Not Included
(Our insurance policy does not allow
tubing or pulling water toys)

14′ Fishing Boat
15 HP Mercury (4 stroke) Motors
$80/Daily $325/Weekly + Tax
Gas Not Included
(Our insurance policy does not allow
tubing or pulling water toys)